In the Studio this week Carol Fagan In the Studio this week Carol Fagan

Remaking the Lid to the Pine Needle Workbox

I made this little pine needle workbox a couple of years back and somewhere along the way the lid disappeared. My husband reckoned it had been taken by a rat for its lair but it seemed strange that only the lid disappeared although the box itself has a large cachelon in the base that might of made it too heavy to card away. Anyway for the last several months it has sat without a lid and every time I look at it I feel annoyed. So one day over the Christmas break I decided to remake a top. It took me most of the day and because I was at the beach I used a shell bauble on the top - the original had a bead. It is a bit higher than I would have liked but I am pleased to have it complete once more. Bit like mending really and a change from working on the project which is pretty much finished now.

It is high Summer here in New Zealand and the garden has been calling. It is far too hot to be out there working in the middle of the day but we have managed to cut back the camelias and trim the fig vine on the bottom part of the house and cut back the Albertine rose which had taken over an area. The clean up was as much work as the cut back!!!!!

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What is my current Textile Focus

My interest in textile art is wide and varied. My focus at the moment is on completing panels for my scholarship project Parallels in Maori and Celtic customs and art. I am currently working on a Tromp L’oeil piece that represents the Winter solstice coming through a gap in the hills that was important to both cultures in mapping their seasonal world. the centre piece is hand embroidered and now I am trying to complete the effect of adding small pieces fabrics to create the effect I am looking for