Making Pouches

This began as an exercise in using stiffened fabric to make pouches with eyelet custom eyelet holes. I had been to the thrift shop and found some white fabric but didn’t realise till I got home that the fabric was laminated heat fabric. i began just using the fabric to practice the eyelets which are made by winding light wire around a pencil and then buttonholing over the wire into a small hole cut in the centre.

I hadn’t intended to make these in such striking stark simplicity but I thought about trying some stencils a friend had given me that featured NZ flora. c to paint really well so I decided to contine in my little series. I will probably add a chain through the eyelets. There are a matching pair of eyelets on the back of the pouches. I have squared off the bottom corners and will probably use these to place so walk pickup in the pouches - like seedpods for the various stencils


Faces of India Series 1


Soft Form 3D Vessels