Holiday Creative Fun

At the moment, here in new Zealand, it is school holidays. Each school holidays Shoppington provides a creative activity for children from 4 to 14. Kim has sourced some amazing silicon moulds and we are using a quick drying plaster of paris (about 20 minutes) for the children to make a mould of their choice. They get to mix the plaster in a plastic jug, pour it into the mould and jiggle the mould to get rid of any air bubbles. While they wait for their mould to cure there are lots of old fashioned games to play on the lawn

The looks of delight on the children’s faces when the somewhat bland looking mould produces a treasure of detailed plaster is worth the effort. I propagated a heap of succulents that they can plant in their pot if they so wish. We don’t have space for the painting activity, they need to do that at home, but Kim has provided mini pottles of primary coloured paint that they can access if they want. As a result time in the studio has been limited this week as I have been helping out with the activities. Another week to go next week!!!! But it is fostering a love of creativity for the little ones


A Busy Couple of Weeks


A Collagraph Workshop with Marty Vreede