Save Our Fisheries

The fish in this little quilt were the fore runner to the reef fish in yesterday’s post. For their silver anniversary, Aotearoa Quilts called for quilts in a specific size octagon in predominantly silver colours. My husband is a keen recreational fisherman and he has major concerns about the trawler catches off the coast netting all sizes of fish and hauling them in. This little quilt portrays the random fish caught in a Seine net being hauled into the surface and references that concern and the need to protect our fisheries for the next generation.

The fish were created individually using silver fabric and white organza. they are slightly padded and their fins are elongated sequins. They are trapped between a white net fabric and the silver substrate. The outline of the net is a silver cord that comes together at the top. so this quilt is both decorative and has a social message

The substrate was made separately from coffee bag liners with textured yarns sandwiched between white organza and the coffee bag liners. This was free machine quilted in a figure of eight pattern before the hexagon was cut out.

The idea of the hexagons was so that all the different mini quilts could be displayed as a unit. The display was quite amazing with different people’s ideas harmoniously brought together by the colour pallette.


Kahawai Run


The Reef - Hoffman 2021