Teabags - The Beginning

My fascination with using teabags as an art medium began with Judy Coates Perez, image on the cover of a Quilting Arts magazine. My own use of teabags developed in a different way and years later when I met Judy and saw her original piece I realised how different my art had become and how small that original tea bag piece of hers was - It was just 30 cm (12 inches) square.

I constantly push the envelope looking for ideas to extend the use of the medium in different directions. My posts will start with my teabag adventures but because that lead into using a whole range of recycled items, this blog will extend to that. To me it is strange how the status quo has moved more and more into using recycled materials as it was a natural progression for me. I have always had a sense of thrift from years of “making do” so being able to extend my art into materials that were basically throw aways came very naturally. The only problem with this system is that one side of my studio now looks like a hoarders den with plastic containers labelled with things like teabag, foil coffee bags, tissue and paper napkin, lace finds, sheers, cord, old maps and music scores, packaging materials in general and texture makers


Laminating Teabags to Fabric